Forest Collection

paneles de madera

Decorative imitation wood panels. Our imitation wood cladding panels have a very realistic texture, colour and shape. Due to their quick and easy installation, they are ideal for decorating architectural, contract, commercial or industrial projects. They can be used for any type of work, whether it is restoration or new construction, the imitation wood decorative panels can be adapted to any type of surface quickly and cleanly. They are non-deformable to the sun and high temperatures, waterproof, with climatic insulation, anti-humidity, and resistant to erosion. Thanks to their different colours, there are no limits to the decorative possibilities.

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Panel Piedra Alfa

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Panel Piedra Rustic

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Panel Piedra Balearia

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Panel Piedra Lumbier

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información de los productos PanelPiedra®

+34 941181091